Week 2 Blog

I chose "Rhapsody in Blue" by George Gershwin. I really like this piece because it feels like everyone to be apart of it. The melody transfers between so many different sections of the band. First we have the clarinet, then the string orchestra, then the trumpet, then the piano it just seems like everyone gets a chance to shine. I also love how the main melody that the clarinet plays at the beginning comes back so often and it just gives the music such a good identity and theme that is consistent throughout the piece. Something that always catches me off guard when listening to this piece is the middle section. It totally changes theme and style. It comes off from this big huge brass moment then to the whole band restating those melodic ideas set in the beginning, to just the piano quietly playing as if the rest of the band doesn't exist. The piano still keeps these melodic ideas and slowly but surely the rest of the band starts to join back and again restate those melodic ideas from the beginning. I just love how many different ways Gershwin can imagine this simple melodic idea and reform and rephrase in ways that give new meaning to it. It makes the piece interesting and easy to listen to.


  1. I'm glad that you can pick up the individuality that each instrument has in this song. It's almost as if the instruments can be veiwed as people talking, or perhaps one conciousness going through feelings and thoughts as it traverses through the day. This peice is an excellent example of the polyrhythm that can be found in this era of music.

    1. I really love this song due to the fact that most of the instruments used in the song are from the classical music. To illustrate this point, we have clarinet, piano, trumpet etc. In addition, I am also into blue style. As a result, I like the song.

  2. You have selected a good song and it is one of my best songs. Consequently, this song has a wonderful melody. Furthermore, in this song I do like the piano as it gives peace and several emotions to me. Besides, I noticed that the melody began in a very quiet way and moves in the following part of the song. Finally, I am proud of you, good job!


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