Week 5 Blog

I chose Hound Dog by Elvis Presley. The song is very up beat and like most of Elvis' songs it gives a feeling of bounce that makes you want to get out of your chair and dance. Elvis was also making music in a time where guitar was heavily used and he abuses that in this song with the riffs all over adding so much flair to the song. While the song may seem very upbeat and happy, the lyrics are a different story. The song is about a girl who is very mad at her lover. She accuses him of lying and doing other things to her and refers to him as a "dog". The man begs the girl for forgiveness through the song and the lyric "crying all the time" is used to portray that. The lyrics give a very different feel than the style of music being played. We still see that same contrast in music today which can give the listening different feelings when they listen to the muisc depending on their own mood.


  1. After listening to the song , the lyrics do contradict the happy feeling and the rhythm of the song. The guitar riffs really do add flair to the song as a whole and I don’t think the song would be complete without them

  2. I definitely agree that this song makes you want to get up and dance. Despite some sad and tough lyrics about an unfortunate situation, this song really is just fun. I think that your lyrical analysis is spot on; there is definitely a huge contrast in the mood of the lyrics and the mood of the instrumental.


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